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Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC

Extensions to the standard Python datetime module.

Related notebook


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MUON: multimodal omics analysis framework

Advances in multi-omics have led to an explosion of multimodal datasets to address questions from basic biology to translation. While these data provide novel opportunities for discovery, they also pose management and analysis challenges, thus motivating the development of tailored computational solutions. `muon` is a Python framework for multimodal omics. It introduces multimodal data containers as `MuData` object. The package also provides state of the art methods for multi-omics data integration. `muon` allows the analysis of both unimodal omics and multimodal omics.





Only CPU
Hierarchicell: estimating power for tests of differential expression with single-cell data

Power analyses are considered important factors in designing high-quality experiments. However, such analyses remain a challenge in single-cell RNA-seq studies due to the presence of hierarchical structure within the data (Zimmerman et al., 2021). As cells sampled from the same individual share genetic and environmental backgrounds, these cells are more correlated than cells sampled from different individuals. Currently, most power analyses and hypothesis tests (e.g., differential expression) in scRNA-seq data treat cells as if they were independent, thus ignoring the intra-sample correlation, which could lead to incorrect inferences. Hierarchicell (Zimmerman, K.D. and Langefeld, C.D., 2021) is an R package proposed to estimate power for testing hypotheses of differential expression in scRNA-seq data while considering the hierarchical correlation structure that exists in the data. The method offers four important categories of functions: data loading and cleaning, empirical estimation of distributions, simulating expression data, and computing type 1 error or power. In this notebook, we will illustrate an example workflow of Hierarchicell. The notebook is inspired by Hierarchicell's vignette and modified to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.


Respiratory ciliated cells



Only CPU
COMMOT: Screening cell-cell communication in spatial transcriptomics via collective optimal transport

In this notebook, we present COMMOT (COMMunication analysis by Optimal Transport) to infer cell-cell communication (CCC) in spatial transcriptomic, a package that infers CCC by simultaneously considering numerous ligand–receptor pairs for either spatial transcriptomic data or spatially annotated scRNA-seq data equipped with spatial distances between cells estimated from paired spatial imaging data. A collective optimal transport method is developed to handle complex molecular interactions and spatial constraints. Furthermore, we introduce downstream analysis tools to infer spatial signaling directionality and genes regulated by signaling using machine learning models.

Basal respiratory cells

