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Thu, 23 Apr 2020 22:45:05 UTC

General purpose programming language

Related notebook


Required GPU
infercnvpy: Scanpy plugin to infer copy number variation from single-cell transcriptomics data

InferCNV is used to explore tumor single cell RNA-Seq data to identify evidence for somatic large-scale chromosomal copy number alterations, such as gains or deletions of entire chromosomes or large segments of chromosomes. This is done by exploring expression intensity of genes across positions of tumor genome in comparison to a set of reference 'normal' cells. A heatmap is generated illustrating the relative expression intensities across each chromosome, and it often becomes readily apparent as to which regions of the tumor genome are over-abundant or less-abundant as compared to that of normal cells. **Infercnvpy** is a scalable python library to infer copy number variation (CNV) events from single cell transcriptomics data. It is heavliy inspired by InferCNV, but plays nicely with scanpy and is much more scalable.

Basal respiratory cells




Only CPU
A workflow to analyze cell-cell communications on Visium data

Single-cell RNA data allows cell-cell communications (***CCC***) methods to infer CCC at either the individual cell or cell cluster/cell type level, but physical distances between cells are not preserved Almet, Axel A., et al., (2021). On the other hand, spatial data provides spatial distances between cells, but single-cell or gene resolution is potentially lost. Therefore, integrating two types of data in a proper manner can complement their strengths and limitations, from that improve CCC analysis. In this pipeline, we analyze CCC on Visium data with single-cell data as a reference. The pipeline includes 4 sub-notebooks as following 01-deconvolution: This step involves deconvolution and cell type annotation for Visium data, with cell type information obtained from a relevant single-cell dataset. The deconvolution method is SpatialDWLS which is integrated in Giotto package. 02-giotto: performs spatial based CCC and expression based CCC on Visium data using Giotto method. 03-nichenet: performs spatial based CCC and expression based CCC on Visium data using NicheNet method. 04-visualization: visualizes CCC results obtained from Giotto and NicheNet.





Required GPU
PopV: the variety of cell-type transfer tools for classify cell-types

PopV uses popular vote of a variety of cell-type transfer tools to classify cell-types in a query dataset based on a test dataset. Using this variety of algorithms, they compute the agreement between those algorithms and use this agreement to predict which cell-types have a high likelihood of the same cell-types observed in the reference.


Respiratory ciliated cells
